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25/07/2024 - State & Federal Election Priority Project

State and Federal Elections offer a chance to secure support and funding from both current and future governments for large projects that Mitcham Council alone could not afford to fund.

At the meeting on the 25/7, the Council Chamber agreed to add a project: "Grevillea Way design stage for sealing road" and request $220,000 from State / Federal Government.

"Ward councillors identify that Grevillea Way access and use is a major issue. Design work would include project management and design, native vegetation assessment and on site service locating and depthing."

The intent of this project is to have detailed designs for Grevillea Way produced, providing an answer for the long-running question of "How much would it cost to seal the road". Despite community debate on this issue for decades, there has never been a fixed answer to this question.

I would encourage you to talk to your local State / Federal election candidates about this project if you are interested.


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