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Budget Bonanza

For those who are regular readers of these Councillor columns, you are most likely sick of reading about the budget. I’ve held off commenting on it until a final decision was made. Like any decision by committee, reaching one takes a long time and will never be perfect. Here are some of my thoughts on this year’s budget:

The Bad of the 23/24 Budget
  • New footpaths have been left out (again).

  • Final budget could have reflected consultation feedback significantly better in my opinion.

  • An increase in Council rates nobody ever wants to see again.

  • Funded projects which were not time sensitive or strongly supported in the consultation.

The Good of the 23/24 Budget
  • Funding for a Trial Tree Assistance Fund and a Bike Strategy (at no impact on rates).

  • Continued investment in the road maintenance backlog, extending and upgrading the stormwater network and Water Sensitive Urban Design programs.

  • Funding for an additional Open Space Volunteer Coordinator, Lions Bargain Centre Upgrade and maintenance of Water Sensitive Urban Design projects.

  • The budget funds the ongoing costs of services and does not defer costs to future generations, like other Councils

It won’t surprise anyone that support for footpath maintenance and the construction of new footpaths ranked highly as a requested service during this year’s budget consultation. In the budget process, a decision was made to cut both of these projects in an effort to deliver a lower rate rise. It was both to my bemusement and frustration that the Chamber ended up prioritising a variety of other projects such as a Green Buildings Fund and City Image (Signage & Furniture) Pilot Scheme over footpaths, which did not receive significant support during the community consultation. It made no sense to me to fund these ‘nice to have’ projects compared with absolute essentials. In total, around $863,000 of ongoing savings was found in this year’s budget, including some cuts to existing services.

One thing that stood out for me during the budget process, was just how many projects should have been funded in previous years or have been waiting for funding for a very long time. For example, a public toilet and storage facilities at Manson Oval has been on the cards since 2017. Some projects that were funded this year, have been on the cards for even longer. A new Open Space Volunteer Coordinator has also finally been funded. This will ensure we meet national standards for any volunteers who do work in Mitcham’s significant public open space, the lack of capacity to accept new volunteers for many years now has seen Council turn away people who want to help. I cannot understand why a position that will save money took so long to fund.

In summary, the budget was a very mixed bag but did not in my opinion, get the priorities right this year and nor my support.



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